Wednesday, August 29, 2007

To the assembly in new york city through solly levine say:

These are the WORDS of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is TRUTH and HE IS HOLINESS. HE IS LOVE. HE is authority and HE is LIFE.

I know the things you do and are doing. I have placed My very life in your midst. I AM the DOOR and nobody will shut it. I will never leave nor forsake you even in your weak state. Even in weakness you have shined. When you are weak I became your strength and your life. You are my very being. You are my precious jewel. You are my love and everyone shall see and witness that very fact. People from far places will come and see my life in you. You will be witnesses to ME. Because you are a part of me. You will be protected from the trials that are coming. You are faithful and you will reign with me. Earthly tests will be no more. You have been faithful and true. I AM coming soon. Hold on to ME. I AM your foundation. I AM your life. If you hold on to me no one can take your crown. I will never let go of you my love. You will be honored in high places. You will be seated with me and my Father. You will be citizens of a new Holy City. You ARE My love. You ARE my life. WE ARE ONE.



letters to the assembly in new york city through...

over the next couple weeks we will be posting prayerfully written letters addressed to new york city. they are based on the letter to the assembly in philadelphia from revelation3.7-13 -- we believe that these letters to the churches are as relevant then as they are now. we know that there are followers of Jesus here in new york city that are faithful, though they feel weak. yet we sense Jesus opening a spiritual door to usher many to Himself. by usher, i mean that we ourselves are not the main attraction -- that the days of the man-made church making itself the main "draw" must come to a decisive end if the Holy Spirit is to have His rightful reign. we are to come alongside and guide, walk with and talk with the souls we touch daily. may we be those who touch the gritty shallows of the every day with the eternal depths and splendors of loving Jesus. comments and discussion welcome. all formatting styles preserved from original writer.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Every joint supplies...

but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
— Ephesians 4:15–16